
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our Florida Adventure

My entire family is off for a week of fun in the sun...well, hopefully, since hurricane Gustav is due to hit on Sunday.

Will and I are driving with my poor parents. I am not sure they know what they are in for. William has a new trick...screaming at the top of his lungs...hopefully we will still be speaking to each other when we arrive in Florida.

There will be six adults and three toddlers (ages 3, 20 mos and 15 mos)...all boys...under one roof for a week...please pray for us!!

I will try to post updates on our daily adventures...

Quiet time

The house was very quiet the other day...which always worries me a little bit...but look what I found. How sweet!
William and his truck book

My little helper....

William decided I needed some help sorting the laundry. As you can tell from the picture...he was a HUGE help! Yes...those are two pair of my panties around his neck! Anyone know a good therapist???
Mommy's little helper

William and Charlie

Last Sunday night we went over to the Shuey's house for dinner. We haven't seen them in ages....the visit was long over due. Tracey fixed a wonderful dinner and the adults sat around and visited while William and Charlie (3 yrs. old) played. By the end of the evening the boys were exhausted from running around the back yard all night. They went in to play a few computer games before bathtime. As you can see from the picture...William is a little tired!!

Thank you Shuey family for a fun, fun evening!!! We love you guys!

Charlie showing William how to play
So tired...

Leg warmers are back!!!

Calling all is a picture of the latest in leg warmers. Everyone must have some for fall!! I personally think the model is pretty cute!
Happy about the new trend....
Striking a pose

Help Me, Help Me...

Here is my little mess stuck once again. Of course I had to take a few pictures before I rescued him...they may come in handy later.

Monday, August 18, 2008

William's Obsession...KEYS!!!

I kept wondering when the day would come that William had to carry something with him wherever he went...well that day has arrived. William is obsessed with my car keys! It took me a while and a few times of searching in William's "secret" hiding places for my keys...but I finally got smart and gave him the spare key to my car (he knows the difference between my keys and any other set of keys). Much to his fathers dismay...he carries my spare car key everywhere! He takes it to the playground, on a walk, around the house...everywhere! He tried to take my key into the bathtub with him! After a few tears and some new bath toys he got into the bathtub without the key. I was rocking him to sleep for his afternoon nap and what was in those chubby little key!!
Bye-Bye Momma

Playing in the Rain

After we recovered from our scraped knee we were off to the park to meet Emily and Jett to get in some play time. It was overcast when we arrived and we knew there was a chance of rain but we were determined the get these boys together for a playdate. The boys ran around and played and Emily and I got a chance to visit. Our visiting was cut short at times because I had to chase after William who was running all over the place...apparently his knee wasn't bothering him too much!

Then the rains first it wasn't too bad...the trees were blocking us from most of the rain so we weren't getting too wet and the boys loved we stayed. Then the rain started coming down harder. We moved to an area where we were safe from the rain and the boys could still run around. William was splashing Jett in the water fountain and they were enjoying the rain. It was fun to watch them run around and get all wet and dirty...just like little boys! Finally it was too much and we headed home to dry off. Here are a few pics of my little man once we returned home. It is hard to tell from the pictures but William has dirt in his hair, on his clothes...just about everywhere!
My Little Mess
Sweet William

William's First Boo-boo

We were headed out the door this morning to meet Emily and Jett at the park and William was running down the alley and fell and scraped his knee. At that moment the world little man was 911! After carrying him to the car, I cleaned him up and assessed the damaged...he would be just fine. I sprayed the cut with Neosporin and put a band aid on his knee and we were off to the park. I am sure we have many more injuries in our future...but we have made it 19 months without any hospital visits...pretty good for such an active little boy!
William's boo-boo

Just the Two of Us

Sorry I haven't updated you all on our lives in a while but we have been busy. Will has been traveling so William and I have been by ourselves. Last week William and I went on many adventures...some exciting and some not so exciting...but we always had a great time. My Mom was in town at the beginning of the week so we got to visit with SuSu and Big Mama. They babysat William on Monday afternoon while I went to get my drivers license renewed....which took FOREVER!! Of course William decided to take a short nap that day so he was busy running around the halls of Edgemere when I went to pick him up.

Our not so great adventure that week was a trip to Stonebriar Mall in Frisco (think Oklahoma). We went with our friends the Schroeders to try out the play area. Well our little guys were more interested in the strollers that looked like cars than the play area. So...Amy and I being the great moms that we are rented (yes we paid for them to ride in these strollers) a school bus stroller with two seats so they could ride around the mall! While all of this was going on a jewelry store was being robbed in the mall.....thankfully we were changing wet diapers at the time of the robbery. We will not be venturing back to Stonebriar any time soon.

After we left Stonebriar Mall we headed to IKEA (probably the only two people in the metroplex who have never visited the store). We should have gone to IKEA to begin with and skipped the mall! We had fun...the boys not so much but they are little troopers. There are all kinds of great things in that store! We will be returning for a visit soon!

Thursday we had some friends over to play. The kids had a great time. The sit and spin (the same one we had when we were kids) was a huge hit with everyone. I am trying to figure out how to get the batteries out so William can spin in silence!

Will arrived home at 7am on Friday morning...yes you are reading that correctly. We were very excited to see Daddy. He stayed home that day and napped and played with William. We are glad he is finally home and not going on any more business trips for a while!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Double Trouble

Today I had the pleasure of playing with William Schroeder while Amy had an afternoon of beauty at the salon (aka...cut and color). William S. marched in the front door and headed straight for the toys.

The boys were able to play for a few minutes and then it was naptime. So while the boys were resting up for a busy afternoon of playing I was working on defrosting chicken and doing some huh?!

William S. woke up first followed closely behind by William M....neither wanted to miss out on anything! They pulled out almost every toy in the house but the favorite toy of the day was the car. As soon as one got out the other got in...sometimes they were both in it at the same time! That was interesting.

They laughed, danced, chased each other, read books and acted silly. I am so thankful that my little man has such an amazing little guy for a friend.
The Car
Snack Time
Let me help you with that...
I will trade you this remote for the car...
Musical geniuses


I don't know what it is with my child...but this morning he managed to get himself stuck yet again.
Get me out of!

Redneck Baby

It is HOT, HOT, HOT outside and since we live a duplex and don't have a cool pool like SuSu and improvise. Here a few pics of William splashing in his frog pool and playing in the backyard. The nice thing about "swimming" in your backyard you can wear a t-shirt and your diaper...our little redneck baby!!
Hangin' out in the pool
Look at those legs!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sleep...what sleep???

For a little boy that is supposed to be asleep he sure is busy! I was working at the computer and kept hearing Wheels on the Bus over and over again and asked Will to turn off William's toy. My sweet husband pointed out to me that the noise was coming from the monitor (not our living room) and that our son was clearly not sleeping. It seems as though our little man has pulled a toy into bed with him or has reached his little fingers through the crib bars and is repeatedly pushing buttons. As I am typing this I am listening to Elmo and Big Bird talking and saying the alphabet. Oh the many joys of being a parent!!

Jump for Joy????

My Mom is usually full of great ideas...but this one I am not so sure about. We decided to take William to a place called Jump for Joy. It is basically a warehouse full of giant bounce houses. It took William a few minutes to get warmed up....but once he did he didn't want to stop! William was content to play in the bounce house for smaller children until SuSu showed him what I like to call the Slide of Death (my death). William decided that looked like we tried it out. Of course he loved it! The not so fun part was carrying William (all 28+ pounds of him) up the "ladder" to the top of the slide (he didn't want to climb up himself). I was terrified I was going to fall and take out all the innocent children behind us in line...thankfully we made it to the top safely each time. After going down the Slide of Death a few times I was ready to go home....muscles I didn't know I had were starting to hurt!

Real Men drive pink cars
King of the slide
Slide of Death
One more time....