
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Will celebrated his 39th birthday on May 29th. William "helped" me bake and decorate a cake for Daddy. Of course William also thought it was his birthday. Everytime we have cake he thinks it is his birthday.

As you can seen from the picture William loved putting sprinkles on the cake...we went through several jars of sprinkles. FYI...they taste terrible!!

Willliam's latest obsession

School buses! He loves them. Everytime we get in the car he asks me if we are going to see a school bus! If we happen to get lucky enough to see one...William screams at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS with excitement. He wants to make sure everyone on the planet is aware of the school bus.
The first few times the screaming thing happened it was a little unnerving but you get used to it eventually. My poor husband took William one Friday morning to get donuts and had the pleasure of being in the car with William as they drove through school zone after school zone. He got to experience first hand the screaming that I get to hear on a daily of life's little pleasures. He came home and wondered why I hadn't warned him about the school bus screaming...hummmm???

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Big Boy Bed....AND a New Room

Well....William is finally out of the toddler bed and in a big boy bed! We moved him out of his "baby" room and into a big boy room and he loves it! He tells me over and over how much he likes his new bed and his new room. It is so sweet!

The bed came from my parents. It is a beautiful antique bed that was in my room at home. I have always loved this bed and when Mom told me I could have it for William I was so excited! They brought it to Dallas while we were in Houston and we put it together when we got home. William and I worked on it one afternoon after his nap and he slept in it that night and did great!!!

His "new" room is no where being finished but hopefully will be soon. We do have bedding for him and I am slowly working on getting stuff for the walls. My sweet Dad is going to build him two bookcases for his room. I need a place to store all of his books and toys!!

I will try to post some pictures later...right now the room is a mess!

Memorial Day Weekend with Nena and Papa

Eating an "ice cream sammich"
Zipping down the zip line
Getting soaked with Daddy
Helping Daddy and Papa put his wagon together
The three Williams (William, Bill and Will)
The maiden voyage
Over Memorial Day weekend we traveled to Houston to visit Nena and Papa (aka Will's parents). William was so excited to go to Nena and Papa's house. He always has sooo much fun...because he gets the run of the house!

Every morning William helped Nena pick "matoes" (tomatoes) and flowers in the back yard. He was very busy the entire weekend! The only time he was still was while he was sleeping.

This was William's first time to sleep in a big bed (full size bed). I was a little nervous but came prepared with side rails....and Nena. He did great! He took pretty good naps and slept all night. Of course Nena did sleep with him the first two nights but by the third night he was sleeping solo. The first night he kept reaching over and saying "Nena"...just making sure she hadn't ditched him.

We took him to the park one afternoon. They have the BEST park near their house and William just loves it. It has five different play areas all covered with an awning so it is not completely miserable for the adults and the little ones are protected from the scorching sun. One of the play areas has a zip line and William loved it! He had to do it over and over and over.....

After our trip to the park we stopped at a spray park so William could cool off after running around. Once he warmed up to the idea he and his Dad had a great time getting soaked! Then we had to make a run for it...a HUGE "wunderstorm" (William's word for thunderstorm) was blowing in at record speed so we headed home for dinner.

One evening William and Nena (God bless her) played in the sprinklers in the backyard while Will, Bill and I sat on the porch and watched. William loved telling Nena which way to run and jump through the sprinklers. William of course was running around in his birthday suit and could not understand why Nena would not take off her clothes! Crazy kid.

The highlight of the trip was William's new wagon. Nena and Papa bought him a Radio Flyer red wagon which he loves. He helped (I use the term loosely) Daddy and Papa put the wagon together and then they took it out for a test drive. He loves it!!!
Thank you Nena and Papa for a fun weekend!!

A Visit to the Dallas Zoo

Triple Trouble
Jett and William
Jett, Tom, Ben and William watching the monkeys
Hanging out in the wagon...he didn't want to lose his spot

A few weeks ago (I am a little behind on my posts) we went to the zoo with our cousins and The Fenlaws. The day started out a little wet and VERY humid but we all survived and had a great time. The boys loved watching the monkeys...especially the ones that made a lot of noise....I wonder why???

Frances brought a wagon which William loved riding in and pulling. According to William it was always "Milliam's turn" (no that is not a typo that is how William pronounces his name).

After walking around for a while we stopped to have lunch. Everyone was eating and doing so well....except for William. He thought it would be fun to jump up and run away...ugh! After chasing him down, he got a time out in the stroller. He then proceeded to scream and the top of his lungs! He wanted to make sure everyone in the zoo knew what a terrible mother he me...they heard him! He got himself so worked up that he tipped the entire stroller over on its side. I immediately up righted him, made sure he was ok and then left him in there (he was still throwing his little fit). I am sure someone was busy call CPS. William finally calmed down and was able to get out of the stroller again....but only for a little while. The temper tantrum throwing William reared his ugly head again and had to get back in the stroller until we left the zoo.

Nap time with GB

"Napping" with GB

William loves to take pretend naps. He loves to take everything off his bed and lay down on the floor and take a nap. Today GB had the experience of napping with William.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pee pee in the Potty!!!

William loves the potty. He loves to tell me several times a day that he NEEDS to pee pee. He takes off his diaper and runs to the bathroom (this usually happens right after he has gone in his diaper). As many times as William has sat on the potty he has never once actually gone to the bathroom.

So...tonight after his bath he told me he needed to pee pee and went and sat on the potty and...drumroll...he actually peed!! I immediately started clapping and cheering (never thought I would be so excited about pee). William was sooo proud of himself! It was too cute! He called his grandparents to tell them all about it!

We have not officially started potty training but it is in our near future. Hopefully it will be an easy process since he is so obsessed with pee and poo!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Books anyone???

Will and I read to William every night before bed....but tonight apparently we did not read enough books. I went to check on William before I went to bed and he had 21 books in bed with him!! I quietly removed them so he could sleep peacefully in his tiny toddler bed. Sweet boy...I am sooo glad he loves books!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bath Time.....

Apparently one bath a day is not enough for William. I was quickly fertilizing the back yard before it rained...I was outside less than five minutes...and I walk in to find my son (who I left playing in the living room) naked in the kitched sink!! He told me..."I take a bath Mommy". What scares me is that he got undressed, removed his diaper, got a chair from the kitched table and climbed into the sink in record speed!

For those of you out there worried about the hot water or knives in the sink...don't. The knives are never left in the sink. As far as the hot water goes....he knows how to operate it.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Today we lost a tree in our front yard and gained grass! We hated to lose the tree but it was genetically challenged and had to go. We are so excited to finally have grass in our front yard instead of a giant mud pit. William was fascinated with the whole process. He loved watching the guys cut down the tree and grind the stump. I have never seen him sit so still!

Here are a few pictures of the whole process. I will try to add and after shot so you can see how everything turned out.

A Mess of a Day

The day started out with William putting on my mascara while I was getting dressed. Apparently it was not pushed back on the bathroom counter far enough and he snatched it and ran. When I finally caught up to him...this is what I found!!

Later in the day my sweet son decided he did not need to take a nap. He also decided (while not napping) that he did not like the lamp in his room so he broke it! I hear him crying...the kind that makes you drop what you are doing and run kind of cry....and open the door to his room to find him sitting in his crib holding part of a broken light blub in his hand. Luckily he was not cut up...not sure how that happened but I am very thankful!! No trip to the ER...yet. There were pieces of glass everywhere! And they were all VERY tiny. I strip William down to his diaper and then remove everything on the bed. Then I vacuumed the less than ten times to make sure I got every little piece of glass. Once everything is back in order I check out the lamp. The place where the light bulb was supposed to fit is completely broken! How my son managed to do this and electrocute himself is a miracle! William is no longer allowed to have lamps in his room!